The Ladybug Files

The random thoughts of a random princess.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

So What is the Point, Again?

Saturday night around 9:00 pm I sat down to write a paper about how my company is organized as it relates to technology, human resources, finances, physical assets, or something else in 1050-1200 words. The paper was due by midnight, and a classmate pointed out that this paper was worth 15 points, not 5 like the others we'd turned in previously.

So I racked my brain trying to figure out what I'm going to put into this paper. At around 10:30, I submitted somewhere around 987 words of a convoluted mess. I thought there was no way I was going to get a decent grade on this paper, 10 points at best. That was ok, at least it was something, and I was holding a pretty steady A for the class, so missing a few points because I dropped the ball wasn't a big deal to me.

Now, I have always excelled at school. Well, almost always. The first time I failed a class ever, I quit going to school. I couldn't handle the fact that I got less than a C, and I'd only ever had 2 Cs as final grades in all my fifteen years of learning (K-college). When I finally did go back to college, not only did I have a 3.89/4.0 GPA, I was at the top of my class for my major and was named Honor Student for one of the two programs I was in. I don't know how to not do well at school. It hurts to not put 110% effort in.

So, as I said, Saturday I really struggled with this assignment. I had put it off until the last possible minute because I had no idea what to write about. I didn't ask my boss for input to help push me along, and I had very poor examples to support my statements. I certainly thought it was horrible.

Then I got my grades back last night. 14.6 out of 15 points. 0.2 of that was because I forgot to include a cover sheet. Even the automagic grammar/spelling checker didn't have that many issues, and most of those it did have weren't valid (there are just some things computers do not understand).

Soo.. I didn't try, I scrambled at the last minute, and didn't support my topic well. And still got an A? It really makes me wonder why I put the effort in at all. This was actually a better grade than I had received on previous papers that were better written.

I just don't understand.


  • At 8:23 AM, May 11, 2005, Blogger Troy said…

    You are just like my brother. Doesn't study and then gets all A. Me on the other hand, study my (beep) off and only get B and c. I envy you.

  • At 7:43 PM, May 11, 2005, Blogger Adam Jones said…

    I know how you feel. When I first started my MBA at IWU, I dived in and gave it my all. I was really put-off by the lack of effort my classmates were putting in, and felt sure that they would do poorly. I was so wrong. My classmates were putting in 20-40% of the effort I was, but still getting the same grades. I started to see just how far I could slack off and maintain a 4.0. I was doing the bare minimum, half-heartedly trying, and to date my lowest grade is a single A-. I have a 3.97 GPA, and I've done nothing to truly earn it. It is really discouraging that IWU is selling degrees like this. I'm pushing myself to truly learn the material, but I could have just as easily bought the degree and put in no effort.

  • At 10:40 PM, May 17, 2005, Blogger Pami said…

    I give up. I wrote another half-hearted paper this week. I liked it, I did cover the topic, and I suppose the arguments I made were well supported. I could have gone into more detail... I remembered my cover sheet this time, but forgot to list on the reference page one of the references I cited in the paper. I got 15 points out of 15 points. I guess I won't argue.. but geez. I've really got to stop stressing over these classes. It's obviously not worth the effort it takes to stress out.


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