The Ladybug Files

The random thoughts of a random princess.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Whose turn is it?

Ten years ago, I remember taking a test to get my driver's license. Somewhere, there was a rule about stop signs. Whoever gets there first goes first. If two or three or four people get there at the same time, whoever is furthest to the right goes first. Then it goes clockwise around the circle. At least that's how I remember it. PLEASE, correct me if I'm wrong.

So this is where my frustration is today. Today I stopped at the intersection at 126th Street and Brookschool Road. When I arrived at the intersection, the two cars at the cross street crossed in front of me. Because the cars across from me arrived first, I hesitated for them to go. One was going straight and one was turning left. Since the rule is one side is supposed to go at a time, not both directions go at a time, I waited. And after the car turned, the car behind me honked. But it was the next side's turn to go; the cars on my right had the right-of-way, if what I learned is correct. There was also a car going straight and a car turning left. When the truck on my left started to go straight, I hesitated turning right, thinking he wasn't going to wait. Again, the car behind me honked.

I was really rather irritated. It's not "both sides go at once"; it's "one side goes, and then the next." Anywho, I think people should have to pass that test every couple of years, just to remind them of basic traffic rules. The busier it gets out here, the worse the traffic gets. It's just nuts.


  • At 3:21 PM, May 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When I took defensive driving (no...I woudl never ever ever speed 0:) ) the instructor taught us that it is not the counterclockwise, but it is whoever is "given" the right of way (ie, you should wait for the other driver to acknowledge it's your time to go). They have said this each time I've taken the course (about once a year for the last 3 years). But, on a politeness note....I tend to just ignore the people who are impatient and honking behind me. They need to leave earlier so they won't be in such a rush....harumph.


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