The Ladybug Files

The random thoughts of a random princess.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

A Squiggle Runs Through It

I'm in week five of my class, so that means I'm on campus today to wrap things up. Being a management theory class, we're learning what makes a good manager.

As a group exercise, our instructor asked us to get out a piece of paper and draw a square, a circle, a triangle and a squiggle. Then she asked us to circle the shape that appealed to us most. Without knowing what the shapes represent, she said that it gives a fairly decent indication of your personality type. It's not an accurate examination by any means, and it has a high chance of being wrong, and there are days that you may reflect one type of personality that's outside your normal sphere.

With 11 people in the group, we actually had each type well represented: 2, 3, 3, and 3. I chose the squiggle, but really struggled because I tend to be very circular with the designs I create. It really was a toss-up, but since I'm in a good (and funky) mood today, I choose the squiggle.

So, in case you're wondering, this is the breakdown:

The triangle represents people who are good at designing systems and processes. However, while they are great at designing the processes, they don't want to actually do it and have a tendency to not get it done because they get bored. They're constantly looking for new challenges, and they have a problem with tact.. they don't know what it is.

Squares are people who wear very basic colors. If you look at their planners, not only do they use them, they are organized and often color-coded. They get things done, they're direct, and they make good closers. They make sure the process gets finished. Circles make processes; Squares make processes happen.

Squiggles are the opposite of squares. They tend to wear brighter, more flamboyant clothing. They're creative and come up with idea after idea after idea after idea. They're innovative and unique. If you look at a squiggle's planner (and yes, they do have one), it's filled with post-it notes. Squiggles have post-it notes everywhere. They'll have a post-it that says to "Call Judy." It might not say where or when or why, and they may even wonder who Judy is, but they have a note that says to do it! The end does not exist for squiggles. They tend to grasp the concept of infinity well.

And finally we have circles. Circles love relationships. They're all about helping people feel better and friendship. They're very social, and they make good people for the squares to dump stuff on because they like to make people happy. If a square comes up and says, "Can you do this for me? Because I have this to do and that to do, and I'll never get this done!" And the circle will say, "You poor thing, of course I'll do it!" even though their list may be twice as long as the square's.

So, after all this, and after we all looked at each other while we were going through the exercise and nodding and laughing at how accurate it was, I decided I'm really more of squiggley circle. Or, a circle with a squiggle running through it. I am a Post-It Note Queen who thrives on keeping people happy. Where did you end up?


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