The Ladybug Files

The random thoughts of a random princess.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

At the Request of My Fans..

All two of them! :)

Yet another trivial rant. Actually I'm not really sure what to write about. Things have been going relatively well these days. The bank account is not only in the black, it's well above the line and only in danger of my incredibly impuslive spending habits. My husband is still incredibly amazing. My one client that I dread hearing from has been relatively quiet. Except for the 75 page fax I received with minor corrections to nearly every page of the website we're writing for them. By "we" I mean "me"... Wait. I'm Princess Pami, so that was the Royal We. Got it.

So anyway, I think this project may actually be drawing to a close sometime in the next decade. It's actually been really interesting working on it. The company is a manufacturer of a medical testing product, and I now know more about how to test for cholesterol, ketones, triglycerides, and other blood lipids in less than two minutes (unless it's creatinine, then it's 8 minutes, requires refrigeration, and is not CLIA-Waived) than I ever wanted to know.

Let's see.. Oh, my darling sister went and finally quit working at her dead-end stupid ass job. The only bad thing is that she didn't have another job lined up for her. And her ex-husband-turned-boyfriend-turned-fiance is having issues leaving his ex-girlfriend-mother-of-his-second-child. I think. I can't keep up with her these days. She seems to be doing well, in any case, and her son is just thrilled that Mommy and Daddy are back together. Or in any case that Daddy is not with the psycho-freak who likes to have babies and live on welfare at the ripe ol' age of 19. (She's up to 3 children now).

Speaking of my sister, she and our mom are suspicious that my niece may be slightly psychic. Apparently, Adrianne (affectionately, Adia) has really good perception skills according to my darling husband. They suspect she's psychic because she always knows who is speaking on the other end of the phone, and if the person changes, she starts talking about the new person.. all without the person she's with making any identifying comments about the speaker. It's all very strange. But psychic ability does run in my family. And Shan is just convinced that her short-lived child that was born in April and passed on 45 minutes later is "visiting" her daughter. Which of course explains why the two-year-old psychic prodigy still remembers her younger brother and constantly reminds Shan about it. Of course, knowing her father, I'm not incredibly surprised that her perception skills are so profound (as my amazing husband continues to insist that she is not psychic). Dan is an interesting, intelligent fellow who has made some really bad decisions in life. At least he did get himself motivated to go back to school and get a degree in .. programming I think.

I just wish Shan would pick up on that clue and go back herself. Even her ex-husband-turned-boyfriend-turned-fiance is going to school, and he has kids all over the place, so that's not a very good excuse. (Well, he only has two that can claim a biological link to him, but if you count the other two his ex-girlfriend have hanging around, and my sister's daughter, he certainly has his hands full managing all the little feets.) Anyway, school is not a HUGE ordeal, once you get past the initial welcome-back phase. Yep, it interrupts your routine, but you find ways to work around it. Just like the house I live in. Our expenses increased dramatically, but lo and behold, we've managed to survive. Mostly.

As a matter of fact, right now we have someone putting in insulation and drywall in the garage. Then Lars and I get the daunting task of painting it. That'll be fun. In a perfect world, we'd epoxy the floor, too, but I don't think that will happen for some time. We also had a landscaper come out last week, and we have an appointment for tomorrow evening to see what kinds of plants would look good in our spacious park-like backyard (believe it or not, it's not a CP Morgan home where you get lost in the closets, so we actually have a backyard). I think we'll start with trees to give us some shade and insulation. Should be fun.

Anywho, not much really to rant about, so I hope you enjoyed this little diatribe. I really should go pay attention to my Troy's Travels site. Hmmm...


  • At 5:27 PM, June 15, 2005, Blogger Pami said…

    That's on the assumption YOU actually RUN the lawn mower?

  • At 3:30 PM, June 17, 2005, Blogger Troy said…

    I'd offer to mow but genius here wants to use the new lawn mower the princess bought for him. I can only imagine the fun of driving a riding lawnmower around trees. Oh wait you didn't get a rider!

    Where will Troy travel next?

  • At 10:53 PM, June 22, 2005, Blogger Pami said…

    I think next time Troy gets to mow our yard. Maybe our cable will stay intact then. Hmph. At least it didn't cost us anything to get it fixed, and we now know just how powerful the new lawn mower is! :)

  • At 9:19 PM, June 26, 2005, Blogger Pami said…

    I found the lead shoes. They were in Bikini Bottom.


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