Everything I Need to Know
Hmm.. I've heard a few times now that my very first blog here (When in Doubt, Move Next) has inspired people to do something with their lives. It's nice to know that I can do my part to help people help themselves. Even at my young age of just over a quarter century, I have been through quite a lot, and I've done a tremendous amount of growing up in the last few years. I think it's only appropriate that I share my wealth of knowledge about growing up with the rest of the world.
So I think I'm going to go back to this book concept that started while I was at ITT, with a slight twist. I think instead, it will be "Everything I Needed to Know About Life I Learned While Programming." Obviously, Move Next will be a very prominent chapter. It might even be a whole section to itself with subchapters of the other loopy functions (Do While, Foreach, and of course, we can't forget Break).
So I'm curious if anyone else has learned Important Life Lessons from the standard programming languages. When I finally publish my book 37 years from now, I'll certainly give you credit on my dedication pages!
At 1:37 PM, June 15, 2005, Pami said…
It just occurred to me that MoveNext in the context of the first post is not really a loopy function, but rather a function I generally do inside a loop. It's actually the command that pushes the recordset to the next record. In any case, it will still have an entire chapter dedicated to it, as well as the do whiles, foreaches, and breaks. Must not forget the if-then-elses either. This is going to be fun!
At 3:33 PM, June 17, 2005, Troy said…
you mean Picasso, right Lars?
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